Novel One Outlined (And why it took so long)
Madlings, did you miss me? Probably not; most of you speak to me almost daily. However, I have been relatively tight-lipped about things over the last few months. This is a multi-tiered problem I touched on in the June Update.
Summer has been super busy. Since May, many life-altering events have been happening simultaneously: ending my marriage, Starting a new relationship, Leaving my former location, Making a plan to live somewhere I never believed I would, raising three kids, and dealing with their stuff through it all. Madlings, it has been a very chaotic summer, and I apologize for the lack of progress in our little world here.
I love my current partner, and I pray she knows how much. Shy is fantastic, but she has begun to see how the Madhouse affects me, which takes adjusting to. There was one moment when I shut down in the Madhouse, and she needed me. I failed, and the Madhouse soon warped into something I couldn't battle; I shut down. Then, the isolation started, which was reinforced, not out of spite or anything negative, but a desire to be together. We are both our unique shade of crazy, and together, we were unknowingly feeding into our trauma.
The question from my failure that was eating at both our brains was, "Why?" At that moment, I didn't have an answer. The Madhouse fed on the fear of the question and suffocated everything. It took me a few weeks to understand, but the answer was staring me right in the face with every disagreement. Whenever we had a different opinion, we felt unappreciated, invisible, or upset about something. We would discuss (sometimes vigorously) what was happening and how we felt. Neither of us walked away. We sat, listened, and adjusted what needed to be done. We worked together in a stressful situation to compromise and fix the problem however we could. I had been so conditioned in life to be worthless and shut everything down that I didn't see a healthy relationship while living it.
Madlings, I told Shy that my ex-wife didn't read most of this, so it was easier to write it all out, which is true. Shy has been the site's review editor for a while, so she reads everything I write first. I allowed that thought to shut down my process because I didn't want to write about Shy, but to write, I needed peace with the Madhouse, and I promised when I started this site to be transparent about the mental illness of the Madhouse. This cycle locked me in place for months and made me believe the writing was pointless.
Shy wouldn't let that stand and kept asking, nudging, and prodding about my writing. Others started asking and commenting on the website, and I love you all very much, but I had nothing in my brain then. I get so lost in hating myself that I forget that others enjoy it here and support me. Between everything personal, raising the children, we now have five through the summer, not just disappearing from the guild and all the preparations to move. I was stressed and overanalyzing everything; the Madhouse won its battle for a while not to be seen, and thus, Maiden was isolated.
I could end it here, "GG Maiden sucks. We are not surprised." but…. that would be boring. Madlings, even when I am busy, overwhelmed, and shut down, I always live here in the Madhouse. With the depressing lore dump done, let's talk about the light that fuels this mighty shadow. Madlings, I think I am shut down because, in secret, I have been hard at work on a few things. With the school year about to start and the move coming up in a few weeks, I will soon have an influx of time to focus on the writing.
Over the last few weeks, I have been thinking about the plan. I have 30+ characters, around 40 key locations, and lore behind each that sprawls out to more entries anytime I find the mentality to focus on the writing and world. These are rough pieces of a growing puzzle, and I need to find their place and purpose. I have filled the world with personality and mystical locations… so what story am I telling?
Madlings, I will only get through the book/series(?) if I write from the heart, telling personal stories and experiences of my life and friends. With that in mind, I sat down for a few hours at the beginning of the month and forced myself to answer in a timeline spanning hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Where do we begin? The answer I came up with was that we start with the loudest voice; we begin with the Madling Queen, Perlysia Luna, at her most vulnerable point as a spoiled, impressionable child.
I built everything around Perlysia as the calm in the hurricane of voices in the Madhouse, so it only made sense to open our world through her eyes. Knowing that Perlysia is the protagonist of the opening novel, I outlined 34 chapters that will expand to flush out our antagonist. I am shooting for 40-ish chapters. Breaking that down to 40 chapters, shooting for a fantasy word count of around eighty thousand, equaling around two thousand words a chapter. This is an achievable goal.
I am deciding right now, as I write this, without a timeline, without pressure, that I will not finish this; I will find excuses why it doesn't matter. Timeline: I will finish the first draft by the end of the year, roughly 110 days after the children start school at the beginning of September. That puts my goal at just over seven hundred words daily, a number this update has already surpassed. I can do this, Madlings; Shy told me to be a writer; I must say I am and do the work. It's just that simple.
I have role-played, played games, and written stories from a young age. As a young Maiden, my original dream was to be a video game writer inspired by Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Legend of Dragoon, Elder Scrolls, Legacy of Kain, etc. When anyone asks if I could do anything for a living, my answer has always been telling stories. I will stop waiting for an opportunity to be what I want, Madlings; I have decided to step up and do the work.
Treating this as a job means defining the product and story I will sell you in the undetermined future. I also plan to set up a few ways to monetize soon, which must be defined. Therefore, let's dive into what the Madhouse will present in the next four months and beyond.
What I am selling hasn't changed. It is just going to be better defined. Foremost is the novel (more on that soon), which is in the distance, but how do we get there? Starting in September, I will begin posting weekly updates on the website about the novel's overall completion level and word count and whether things have changed. Then, when I complete chapters to a first draft I feel comfortable with, I will release those chapters onto Patreon. Another Patreon exclusive will be the Music Madhouse, which will be how I work through things like now while adding elements of supporting artists I enjoy. Four thousand words a week for the novel and musical posts at least once a month will create two perks to offer while I grow. Growth is more complicated, but I have ideas for achieving this, which we will discuss later.
Madlings, the Madhouse lives through transparency, so allow me to explain my plan for the first novel. We will use a three-act structure to tell Perlysia's story, with the second act split into two more minor acts. So technically, four acts. I don't believe that a first-person point of view is my strength, so I will likely use a limited third-person style, focusing on as few POVs as possible. We have discussed our eighty thousand word count goal with around forty chapters. With the logistics settled, let's dive into the content filling those pages.
Act One: Perlysia in her youth
Act Two: Exploring a Brand New Luna
Act Three: Ancient Wounds Revealed
Act Four: The Night of Twilight
Okay, Madlings, let me explain my reasons behind what you just word vomit suffered. I enjoy character-driven stories that allow you to spend time with their characters and care about their triumphs and failures. This is the beginning of a larger arching story I want to tell slowly. As much as I love my big, shiny ideas for later, we must set the groundwork for why those moments matter.
I decided to do that by telling a simple story about two friends. Inseparable in youth, they grew apart as their age and responsibilities grew. Both of our protagonists represent a side of Luna's society. Kass and her family are nestled in the Twilight Orthodoxy and the religious orthodox side of the nation. Meanwhile, Perlysia is learning her family’s best intentions can lead to real pain for ordinary people. Royalty comes with power, and that power scares her. The young women will realize that good and evil are on each side of the coin. Even if their paths cross before the final hour, they will never stop the dawn. The triumphs and failures of our characters will pave the path across the sea, where the Obsidian Wail awaits.
That's about it, Madlings. I'm sorry this was so long. We had a lot to talk about. Thank you for always being here and shining a light in the Madhouse. Blessed be!