Welcome Madlings To My Madhouse

Welcome, Madlings. I am Maiden or Damien, depending on which part of my world you're in. Throughout my life, I have walked a not unique but chaotic life. This life has given me insight into things around me and taught me important lessons. I express all this in two ways.

The first is in the Obsidian Wail. This dark adult fantasy world is filled with creatures looking to eat you. A Vicious Enchanted Forest full of Vampires and many beasties looking to eat you. The Nyxaris Family is perhaps the most deadly. Adriana Nyxaris believes her power and ancestry give her dominion over the Obsidian Wail. At Adriana’s side sits her twin brother Lucien. A tormented soul of light born to a house of darkness. The daughter of Chaos will personally remove anyone foolish enough to deny her what she was promised. Lilith’s legacy and the Sacred Glade are both hers alone! No one will deny her ascension.

Luminara's Ultimate Nexus, Arcanum Total Idiots Conjuring Stupidity. A nation of magic and science carved into magically enhanced icebergs. Luminara could never have expected her little group of refugees to one day become the most powerful nation in the region. Time renamed the Icemyst nation Luna (Lunatics, Luminara insisted, was the better acronym) after the great Luminara Luna, Queen & Holy Mother of Gaia. History books praise Luminara as a saint and savior of the Luna people. Heroic tales of Luminara litter the desk of the young Perlysia Luna, The Madling Queen! Darkness descends upon her life, removing her from her palace. Without guidance from trusted allies and mentors, Perlysia will never be Queen.

Within a desolate Wasteland of red sand, a Cartel of Seven protects ancient knowledge. Each member of the Seven rules a tribe and has interests of their own while collectively representing their nation. Tensions between the tribes have risen as new blood claims the seat of pride. Using the moniker “The Crown,” his intentions to rule as King were obvious, while his motives as to why remain a mystery. “The Paramour,” the masked mistress of lust will bow to no King. Soon, lines will be drawn as each refuses subjugation to the other. Behind the scenes, a mysterious figure is fanning the flames of civil war. “The Girl” finds a broken wolf nearly dead on the steps leading to her tiny mountain village. Over her life, the Girl had gained many scars, healing the souls and desires of others. The Matron of Envy could never have imagined the wolf’s identity or the prophecy chasing him.

I am but a humble nerd, Madlings; I enjoy simple things. Dragons, blood, war, ancient dead gods, human ambition, and what lines we are willing to cross to achieve those ambitions. “The Obsidian Wail” is a playground I have roleplayed and explored with many friends for nearly 20 years. The mission of this website is to explore that playground, turning it into a living, breathing reality. This is an adventure that I am currently building in 2024 in the hope of just getting better day by day.

Second, I tend to battle the Madhouse and loop a bit. Music has helped me through the worst times in my life. I write little blogs about life while posting a song to combat and track my cycles. These posts are Maiden without the mask. They are very personal and filled with the darkness of the Madhouse. I cannot hide from the dark and remain healthy. For better or for worse, these bits of myself I post will change your view of me. I share them openly. Mental Health is essential, Madlings. Go out and find your release <3

Regardless of what brings you to the Madhouse, I thank you for lighting a candle in these halls. Blessed Be My Madlings.